Punk Rock Energized My Life Exactly 25 Years Ago Today

Conor Bezane
6 min readMar 12, 2020

“Where do you go now when you’re only 15?”

— Rancid, “Radio,” off the 1994 album Let’s Go

In the spring of 1995 — March 9 to be exact — I experienced my very first punk show. It was Rancid with the Lunachicks at the Metro in Chicago. I was 15. And in that crowd of about 1,000, I felt like I belonged. I had found my tribe. It was a moment that would transport me on a decades-long excursion, one that finds my punk rock heart still beating now and forever.



Conor Bezane

Conor Bezane covers mental health and pop culture. He’s wriitten for MTV News, WebMD, VICE, and more. Conor’s memoir The Bipolar Addict is out now on Amazon.